On the New Year day, millions of people take a resolution to reduce weight and do dieting. Usually, the dieting resolution fizzles out before the first month of the year ends. And, countless people never bother to diet and continue to gain weight. I am confident that most people know that overeating and eating unhealthy food is bad for them and would lead to health problems sooner or later. Yet, most people don’t do anything to lose weight or not gain it in the first place. Let me rephrase the previous sentence – most people are helpless to do anything to keep their weight in check. And for the same matter, dieting programs too rarely have a lasting effect. Have you ever thought why we are unable to control what we eat? The reason – our brain has been conditioned to eat junk food!
You would recall from your science books about the experiments Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, the Russian scientist, conducted on conditioned stimulus on a dog. At the regular feeding time, Pavlov would ring a bell. After several repetitions, he observed that the sound of the bell alone, even without the food, was sufficient to stimulate the dog’s brain to release saliva from the salivary glands. In the same way, after watching advertisements for the junk food that is rich in fat, sugar and salt everywhere – on TV, magazines, billboards, grocery stores, restaurants – and watching others eating that unhealthy food all the time, our brain gets stimulated by not only the sight of the food, but even the thought of the food. The moment we see food, regardless of whether it is healthy or unhealthy, the first thought that comes to our mind is to move forward and taste it. The power of food comes from its feel, smell and image that activates the brain even before we taste the food. And, unhealthy food that is rich in fat, sugar and salt is usually tasty and therefore more powerful, and we continue to eat until the food is finished or we can’t eat any more. While eating the food, the question whether we are hungry or not does not come in our mind. And, even when we are not eating, we are continuously thinking about food – this is what I will eat in the evening, at night, tomorrow morning, and so on. Many Indian housewives spend most of the day cooking the food for the family.
The power of food is so great, and our brain that has been conditioned for so many years is so week that our dieting resolutions rarely work. So, what can we do to conquer the power of food and to make our dieting plans work? Well, we have to recondition our brain! This is similar to an alcoholic or drug-addict person who is sent to a de-addiction centre for treatment, though we can win over the power of food while staying at home and without the need of any medication. From my experience, there are three steps involved in the process –
- Truly accept that overweight/obesity is bad in the long run and will lead to bigger problems at the later stage.
- Always remember and continuously remind your brain the kinds of food that are bad for the health. (Refer to good health book to know what kind of food is good for your health. In general, food stuffed with fat, sugar and salt is not good.)
- Eat food at regular time and slowly decrease the amount you eat each time. (Don’t try to fool yourself by compensating reduced food intake by eating between meals!)
The first step is very important. We can’t lose wait unless we really want to. The second step will help us to reinforce the first step. And, the last step will take us toward the goal. I will elaborate my experience with dieting using these steps. In 1980s when I started working, my mother used to pack my lunch box. Besides cooked vegetables and curd (yogurt), my lunch box was packed with 4 rotis (chapaties). One day I realised that I was gaining weight and concluded that this was not good for me. So, I decided to reduce the number of roties I used to eat during the lunch time. First, I reduced 4 roties to 3.5. After a few weeks, 3.5 roties were reduced to 3. After a few weeks, it changed to 2.5 and then to 2. During this process, I never felt that I was dieting or doing anything special. I have used the same technique again later in my lifetime with success.
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