Sunday, February 15, 2009

Why are we getting taller?

Have you noticed that generally children are taller than their parents? According to an article published in Scientific American, in the last 150 years, the average height of people in industrialised countries has increased by about 10 cms or about four inches. The change could be due to several reasons, such as better food we eat, evolution and changes to our genes. All these reasons appear valid; however, what I have noticed among my family cannot be explained by these reasons. Most of my cousins are about 5 feet 2-6 inches tall and their wives are close to 5 feet 1-3 inches tall. However, all their children are over 6 feet tall! So much of evolution in one generation! What could be the reason for this sudden increase in height? Is it due to the genetically modified food and meat we eat? Only God knows what kind of hormones, steroids and other stuff the cattle grower feed to their animals so that these animals grow at the fastest possible rate. And when we eat that meat (or for that matter even vegetables), it is bound to affect us. In this context, you would recall that the mad-cow disease that first attacked cows also started affecting people who ate from the affected animals.

What are your views on this topic?

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